Ad Hominem Attack: Cookie Crumbs and Character Jabs
In this tasty twist of logic, Duchess is caught with her hands deep in the cookie jar, but instead of facing the crumble of her actions, she dishes out an ad hominem attack.
When Bruno confronts her about her relentless raids on his sweets stash, Duchess doesn't argue the point; instead, she goes for the jugular, calling Bruno a "complaining little whiner".
This comic strip showcases how Duchess sidesteps the issue at hand by attacking Bruno's character, not his claim. It’s a classic diversion tactic where the argument gets lost in personal jabs, leaving the real issue—the cookie theft—as unresolved as a half-eaten Oreo.
Want to learn more about the Ad Hominem Attack, check out our activity pack for fun activities that help you spot the fallacy!