A dog making an ad hominem attack on another dog

Ad Hominem Attack: Don't Be a Bully, Be a Thinker!

Imagine you're playing a video game. You've got a super cool power-up, but your annoying little brother keeps saying it's fake. Instead of listening to his reasons, you just call him a nerd and ignore him.

That's kind of what's happening in our comic. Boxer is trying to figure out what's behind a mysterious door, and Bruno, his good friend, has some wild ideas. But instead of considering Bruno's theories, Gizmo just insults him.

This is called an ad hominem attack. It's like calling someone names instead of debating their ideas. It's a cheap trick that doesn't help anyone. It's a personal attack, not a logical argument.

When you attack someone's character instead of their argument, it's called an ad hominem attack. It's a cheap trick that doesn't prove anything. So next time you're in a debate, focus on the facts, not the person. Be a thinker, not a bully!

A dog making an ad hominem attack on another dog

Want to learn more about the Ad Hominem fallacy? Check out our activity pack for fun activities that help you spot this common logical fallacy.

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