A comic dog and cat named Duchess and Bruno eating cookies

Duchess and the Case of the Shrinking Cookies

Cookies are so tiny these days. My favourite snacks keep getting smaller!” Duchess proclaimed, frowning down at her cookie.

“Look at this, Bruno! I’m on my third cookie. Back in the day, I only needed one!”

“I think you’ve just tripled in size, Duchess,” Bruno replied.

What? No way!”

Shocked by Bruno’s statement, Duchess thought back to her early years. She remembered being a tiny kitten, lying on the grass, munching on a cookie nearly the same size as her. Realisation hit her. “You’re right, Bruno! I used to be tiny!”

Duchess thought back to her early years. “I guess it’s me who got bigger, not the cookies getting smaller!” Bruno chuckled, “See? Problem solved!” Duchess laughed, holding up her tiny cookie. “I guess I’ll just have to eat more of these then!”

A comic dog and cat named Duchess and Bruno eating cookies

The Shrinking Cookies isn't just about cookies; it's about how we see things differently as we get older. It's like when you revisit your favourite playground and everything seems smaller.

It's all about the fun of growing up, changing perspectives, and realising that sometimes, it's not the world that's changed, but us.

Dive into more fun with Duchess and Bruno, where cookies and life lessons mix! 🍪🐱🎭

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