Duchess Doubles Down Like a Boss
Duchess licked her fingers, having just devoured an entire large pizza "with the lot" all by herself. She sat there, contemplating every decision that had led her to this point in her life.
“I’m not sure whether to feel disgusted with myself,” she thought, glancing at her bulging belly, “or... finish strong with ice cream.”
She pondered for a moment, weighing her feelings. Was it a bit excessive to eat the whole pizza herself? Maybe. Did she feel a little gross? Yeah. Did she care? Not really.
Without further thought, she cracked open a tub of chocolate ice cream and proceeded to demolish the entire thing. Duchess fell onto her back, filled to bursting from her junk food feast, and placed her paw on her round tummy. “Worth it,” she sighed.
"Duchess Doubles Down" is all about that moment when you choose indulgence over restraint, living life with a side of "why not?"
Dive into our pack for more of Duchess's adventures in living life deliciously. 🍕🍨🐱🎭