A kitten being attacked by three dogs and cat comes to save her

Duchess: The Alleyway Avenger

Chloe turned around to find three of the biggest, scariest-looking dogs she'd ever seen growling behind her! She had just been on her way home from her day full of adventure in the nearby town when she'd been cornered! "Looks like dinner," one of them growled.

Terror flooded Chloe. She puffed herself up, trying to look bigger, but these beasts were huge! "Please, don't hurt me!" she squeaked. All of her hair stood on end.
Just then, a blur of orange fur shot into the alley. Duchess unleashed a bloodcurdling HSSSSSSSSSSSS!, scattering the dogs and creating an escape route for Chloe. The dogs recovered quickly, growling at the tiny feline warrior.

"Cute kitty," one of them sneered, "but there's more of us!"

"Outnumbered? Maybe," Duchess hissed back, claws bared. But Chloe's safe, and that's all that matters, she thought. With a burst of speed, she led the dogs on a merry chase, past Chloe's hiding spot atop a newsstand.

Chloe watched in concern as Duchess disappeared around the corner, a lone orange streak against the darkening sky. "...She really does love me," she whispered.From her safe perch, Chloe watches Duchess flee. She understands that.

A kitten being attacked by three dogs and cat comes to save her

This comic shows us what true friends do for each other. They stand up for each other, even when it's scary! It's about bravery, love, and how sometimes, you have to run away to fight another day.

Explore the bravery of Duchess and the themes of friendship with our activity pack! Inside, you'll find fun activities that let you dive into the action, plus the full comic and story to read. 🐾🛡️🖍️🐱

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