A cat walking past a police officer feeling paranoid that she has done something wrong

Duchess's Police Paranoia

A soft pitter patter could be heard as Duchess ambled down the road on her way to Boxer's house. But something gave her pause as she walked on. Ahead of her she could see a big police dog standing on the sidewalk. She made eye contact with him before quickly darting her eyes away. Ba-dump. Her heart skipped a beat. She looked at him again. He glanced back at her before looking away and speaking into his radio.

Oh no, Duchess thought to herself, he thinks I look suspicious. Duchess's palms got clammy as she continued down the path, trying to look inconspicuous.
Calm down, she tried to reassure herself, I haven't done anything wrong.
Her heart, nevertheless, was racing and she was sweating bullets as she walked past him.

"Act natural…" she said as she did an unconvincing job of walking like a normal cat, stiff as a board and eyes staring straight ahead. She felt like a robot. The officer looked over at her as she passed and squinted his eyes suspiciously.
Duchess kept walking robotically even though she had passed the officer. She could feel his eyes on her.

I literally haven't committed a crime, why am I so nervous?! she thought frantically, her anxiety reaching a fever pitch.

Suddenly, she heard an angry yell from behind her. "HEY, YOU!"

"EEEP!" Duchess yelped out, her hair standing on end. She turned to see the officer charging towards her, pointing angrily. Her eyes widened in shock and terror as she braced herself, certain she was about to be falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit. Her paranoia had manifested into a real-life nightmare, leaving her frozen in fear on the sidewalk.

As she caught her breath she watched the other cat get handcuffed and felt a vague sense of familiarity. Hadn’t she seen him somewhere before?

“Never mind that,” she thought, shaking off the whole ordeal and continuing on her way to Boxer’s house.

A cat walking past a police officer feeling paranoid that she has done something wrong

This fun comic teaches us that sometimes we can get all freaked out for no good reason, like when we think we're in trouble but we're just being a little paranoid! It's all about how our minds can play tricks on us, making us feel like we've done something wrong, and realising that many others feel that way too!

Find this comic and fun activities in our activity pack to develop comprehension, writing, drawing and colouring in skills for kids.

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