A cat throwing a pillow a dog using a straw man argument

Straw Man: A Silly Trick

Have you ever had someone twist your words to make you look bad? It's like they're building a straw man and then knocking it down, pretending it's your real argument.

In our comic, Duchess uses a straw man argument. Bruno simply wants her to get a job to help with the bills. But Duchess exaggerates his argument, saying he wants her to become a "slave to the system." She's misrepresenting his point to make it seem more extreme and easier to attack.

A cat throwing a pillow a dog using a straw man argument

A straw man argument is a sneaky trick. It's like building a weak, flimsy argument and then knocking it down, pretending it's your opponent's real position. It's a dishonest way to win an argument.

It's important to listen carefully to others and understand their true meaning. Misrepresenting someone's argument is not only unfair, but it also stops a proper conversation. So, the next time we're in a debate, we need to remember to address the real issue, not the straw man.

Want to learn more about the Straw Man Attack? Check out our activity pack for fun activities that help you spot this common logical fallacy.

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