A cat gets kicked out of a vegan cafe to demonstrate the no true scotsman fallacy

No True Scotsman: Duchess vs. the Vegan Police

Have you ever heard someone say, "You're not a real fan if you don't…"? That's kind of like a tricky thing called the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. It's like changing the rules in a game so you always win.

Duchess is on one of her health streaks and is hanging out at a vegan café. All the other animals are eating healthy stuff like lettuce. Duchess can't just eat vegetables so she pulls out a FISH! Everyone is shocked. A grumpy chef kicks her out and yells, "You're not a real vegan!"

This is the "No True Scotsman" in action. The chef is saying that if you eat fish, you can't be a "real" vegan. They changed the meaning of "vegan" just to prove their point. It's like saying, "If you don't like every single flavour of ice cream, you're not a real ice cream lover."

But Duchess doesn't care. She walks away and says she never liked their group anyway. Then she goes straight to the butcher!

A cat gets kicked out of a vegan cafe to demonstrate the no true scotsman fallacy

The "No True Scotsman" is a way to avoid a real argument. It's important to remember that people can have different ideas about things. Just changing what a word means doesn't make you right. It's better to talk about it and listen to other people's ideas.

Want to learn more about the No True Scotsman fallacy? Check out our activity pack for fun activities that help you spot this common logical fallacy.

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