Slippery Slope fallacy comic

Slippery Slope: Don't Fear the Kale

You've downed a whole pizza, a large shake and a whole tray of cookies. Not good. You sit disgusted with yourself. It's time for a change. I need to go on a diet, you tell your best friend who joined you for for the junkfood fest.

You immediately imagine yourself eating fresh salads, ditching dairy and meat, and going to the gym in your shiny new outfit.

But just as you're about to go for it, your friend alerts you to what will happen when it all spirals out of control.

You're catapulted two years in the future, exercising 24-7, have no life, wasted away to nothing, and sipping kale juice out of a watermelon.

This is exactly what Duchess imagines when she decides to make a change. Bruno alerts her to how it will all inevitably spiral out of control. Duchess freaks out and decides against it, for if she makes a change now, she will inevitably become a super-gym-freak, a raging activist with a picket in the street, and life will no longer be any fun.

Slippery Slope fallacy comic
Is she right?

Want to learn more about the Slippery Slope, check out our activity pack for fun activities that help you spot the fallacy!
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