
A dog ends up carrying his cat friend on his back after she complains and whines for ages

The Piggyback

Will Bruno's patience be tested to the limit by Duchess's endless whining? Find out when Duchess and Bruno go hiking.

The Piggyback

Will Bruno's patience be tested to the limit by Duchess's endless whining? Find out when Duchess and Bruno go hiking.

A cat and dog sitting in a cafe whilst a jackhammer silences the cats temper tantrum

Burger Joint Meltdown!

Can Bruno survive Duchess's wrath? Learn the importance of paying attention, the Duchess way.

Burger Joint Meltdown!

Can Bruno survive Duchess's wrath? Learn the importance of paying attention, the Duchess way.

A cat gossiping about a pit bull seated at a vet

Duchess Talks Smack

Duchess's big mouth lands her in hot water! Find out what happens when she talks smack to the wrong dog.

Duchess Talks Smack

Duchess's big mouth lands her in hot water! Find out what happens when she talks smack to the wrong dog.

A cat lazily enjoying the afternoon and then pretends to do some work and gets praised for it

The Lazy Genius of Duchess

Witness the ultimate life hack: doing absolutely nothing! Duchess shows us how it's done.

The Lazy Genius of Duchess

Witness the ultimate life hack: doing absolutely nothing! Duchess shows us how it's done.

A reporter cat asking another cat a loaded question

Loaded Question: Was Duchess Framed?

A reporter accuses Duchess of hurting a kitten, but the question itself is the real problem! Learn how to spot "loaded questions"—sneaky tricks that make you look guilty no matter...

Loaded Question: Was Duchess Framed?

A reporter accuses Duchess of hurting a kitten, but the question itself is the real problem! Learn how to spot "loaded questions"—sneaky tricks that make you look guilty no matter...

A dog is being forced to drive a plane by two other dogs to demonstrate the appeal to force fallacy

Appeal to Force: Don't Mess with Bubba

Want to know how to spot a bully argument? Meet Bubba. See how poor Bruno has to test a rickety flying machine through the appeal to force fallacy.

Appeal to Force: Don't Mess with Bubba

Want to know how to spot a bully argument? Meet Bubba. See how poor Bruno has to test a rickety flying machine through the appeal to force fallacy.