
Gizmo, a mad scientist dog declares how his experiment works

Circular Reasoning: Gizmo's Mad Experiment Gone...

Dive into Gizmo's Mad Experiment Gone Wrong, where his quest to create the world's strongest dog ends in disaster, proving that not all scientific endeavours end in success, but they sure...

Circular Reasoning: Gizmo's Mad Experiment Gone...

Dive into Gizmo's Mad Experiment Gone Wrong, where his quest to create the world's strongest dog ends in disaster, proving that not all scientific endeavours end in success, but they sure...

A comic dog and cat named Duchess and Bruno eating cookies

Duchess and the Case of the Shrinking Cookies

Join Duchess as she unravels the mystery of the 'shrinking' cookies, only to discover a sweet lesson about growing up and changing perspectives!

Duchess and the Case of the Shrinking Cookies

Join Duchess as she unravels the mystery of the 'shrinking' cookies, only to discover a sweet lesson about growing up and changing perspectives!

A cat throwing a pillow a dog using a straw man argument

Straw Man: A Silly Trick

Duchess thinks Bruno wants her to be a slave! But is that really what he said? Uncover the truth about straw man arguments.

Straw Man: A Silly Trick

Duchess thinks Bruno wants her to be a slave! But is that really what he said? Uncover the truth about straw man arguments.

Duchess and Bruno, a cat and dog about to burn their book

False Dilemma Fallacy: Burning Books

Duchess and Bruno trap themselves in an extreme choice: burn their great book or be hounded by fame. Discover the False Dilemma fallacy through their hilarious journey from toast to torch,...

False Dilemma Fallacy: Burning Books

Duchess and Bruno trap themselves in an extreme choice: burn their great book or be hounded by fame. Discover the False Dilemma fallacy through their hilarious journey from toast to torch,...

Duchess the comic cat being whacked in the face by a rake

Duchess's Day of Doom: When Everything Goes Wrong

Ever had one of those days where everything just falls apart? Join Duchess as she navigates a series of mishaps with style, proving that sometimes, the best you can do...

Duchess's Day of Doom: When Everything Goes Wrong

Ever had one of those days where everything just falls apart? Join Duchess as she navigates a series of mishaps with style, proving that sometimes, the best you can do...

A comic cat eating icecream and pizza

Duchess Doubles Down Like a Boss

Join Duchess as she navigates the fine line between indulgence and regret, proving that sometimes, doubling down on your desires is the ultimate boss move!

Duchess Doubles Down Like a Boss

Join Duchess as she navigates the fine line between indulgence and regret, proving that sometimes, doubling down on your desires is the ultimate boss move!